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Pet Photography & Graphic Arts - Immediate Download


Ever wonder why the pictures in magazines look so good?

Do you want yours to look as good?

This book is Full of Great ideas that will help you take the same pictures. Just look at what we have done with pictures on this web site.

The "Pet Photography & Graphic Arts" Ebook provides easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, from learning about your camera, and photographing your pet, to transforming your pictures into art. Pictures are included for every key step in the process!

Great Ebook for the novice to the seasoned professional by helping to refine your skills making your pictures stand out even more.


Order Now and Immediately Download the Pet Photography & Graphic Arts EBook today!

This Ebook costs only $9.99, and 100% Guaranteed


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Many Examples and Easy Step-by-Step Instructions!

Make your Pictures Even Better and Show Off your Pet!

A guide for taking photographs of your pet and using photo editing tools.

This guide provides all of the steps from learning the basic and advanced features of your camera, to using tools such as Photoshop!

Detailed instructions and examples include:

c Learn the key features of digital photography
c Digital photography for Pets
c How to express your pets personality
c Picture quality, zooming, and close-ups of your pet
c Outdoor pet photography using the flash, along with lens filters and shades
c The photo shoot and location selection
c Tricks of understanding your pet
c Photo manipulation with editing
c Picture correction
c Step-by-Step instructions for creating a fantasy scene like this book cover
c Even more ideas, including T-shirts

This Ebook will help to better understand your camera and create wonderful photographs to show off your pet with your family and friends.

Order Now and Immediately Download the Pet Photography & Graphic Arts EBook today for only $9.99 and is 100% guaranteed.

Order Now: Palmieri Concepts accepts Paypal and Credit Cards

We only provide this as an E-Book, and not a printed copy.


Save Even More with the Complete Photography & Graphic Arts Collection!

SAVE 33%

Order Now and Immediately Download BOTH the the Pet Photography & Graphics Arts and the Automotive Photography & Graphic Arts Ebooks for only $14.99 and is 100% guaranteed. Must purchase both books at the same time to get the discount.



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The immediately downloadable Acrobat PDF format file can be viewed with free Acrobat Adobe Reader software, once we have received payment. Click here to get the Adobe reader.


About the Author: Author, Anthony Palmieri has written numerous articles and helpful guides on a variety of automotive and photography topics. Many of his articles have been published throughout the Internet. His ideas and techniques have helped him create award winning pictures. See what his 30 years of experience has done for him.


Mr. Palmieri has been a guest speaker at various car clubs. Take a look at one club newsletter at take a look at page 5.

"I got this book and the automotive book as a gift for my husband and he loved them!!" MaryB, NJ

"The examples were helpful, and the Camera section gave me a better understanding of my camera and what the manual did not say.......the section on lighting was great", PeterL, Canada

"Honestly I first got the book because I liked the cover, then after reading it the information inside was even better", JulieR, CA

"Your section on using some of the camera features was so helpful, Thank again for your helpful emails on my questions", JimF, Australia


Copyright 2005-2025 by Palmieri Concepts. All rights reserved. Protected under both U.S. Federal copyright law and international treaties. No part of this site, including text, images and computer code, may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic, graphic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage & retrieval systems, without the express prior written permission of Palmieri Concepts. The only area that may be reproduced are the publications that expressly state that they can be copied. They must be used in their entirety without any changes, and provide a reference to, and credit the author.