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How to Run a Car Show- Immediate Download

#1 Best Seller


There are many details to running a car show event and it is important not to overlook anything.

This Ebook will take the guess work out of running your show and will walk you through every step, making your show a great event!

After you have read this book you will know the steps needed to plan and run your show, along with saving time and money using the provided registration and ballot sheets.

Order Now and Immediately Download the How to Run a Car Show EBook today!

This Ebook costs only $11.99 and 100% Guaranteed


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100% Guaranteed or your Money Back!!

Complete and Easy Step-by-Step Instructions for Each Stage!

Learn From Others and Save yourself Time and Money!

Complete with Pictures and Examples .

The class sheets, registration sheets and judging ballots make it easy.

This guide provides all of the steps for running a car show and getting it right the first time!

Detailed instructions include:

c Covers all stages of running a car show
c Developing the show theme
c Pre show activities, including the budget
c Running the event the day of the show
c Wrap up after the show
c Facility logistics and show layout
c Marketing plan to get the word out and attracting cars and vendors
c Sponsors, awards, and trophies
c Parking and traffic control
c Spectator and show car rules
c Packed full of examples pictures for all key steps

c Includes the following sheets that you can print out and use saving time:

    • Class definitions of vehicle types - helps with organizing vehicles
    • Judging ballots
    • Vehicle & Vendor registration sheets
    • Print out as many copies as you wish- give out to the judges and save time


This Ebook will help you understand the details of what it takes to run a successful car show. A helpful tool for car clubs running a major event, to the local fund raiser show.

Order Now and Immediately Download the How to Run A Car Show EBook today for only $11.99 and is 100% guaranteed.

Order Now: Palmieri Concepts accepts Paypal and Credit Cards

We only provide this as an E-Book, and not a printed copy.

Save Even More with the Complete Car Show Collection!

Bundle Price Reduced

SAVE 33%

Order Now and Immediately Download BOTH the the How to Run A Car Show EBook and Car Show Judging Guide today for only $17.99 and is 100% guaranteed. Must purchase both books at the same time to get the discount.



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The immediately downloadable Acrobat PDF format file can be viewed with free Acrobat Adobe Reader software, once we have received payment. Click here to get the Adobe reader.


About the Author: Author, Anthony Palmieri has written numerous articles and helpful guides on a variety of projects and automotive topics. Many of his articles have been published throughout the Internet. This information has helped his own cars and others become Gold and First place winners. See what his 30 years of experience as an automotive enthusiast has done for him.


"Hi, We have used Anthony's e-book, How to run a Car Show, for a few years. We will be putting on our 6th annual car show in September........Thanks. The book has been very helpful to us. We are known as Bailey's Brigade, dedicated to funding a cure for Juvenile Diabetes........" Jackie Wills

"I just wanted to say thank you for the advice that you provided me with your (How to Run A Car Show) guide that I received. I followed your advice and tips while I was planning my event for this year. I have to say that it paid off. Last year I hosted my first event and I had a good turn out of participants........ This year I had over a 100% increase from that just by following your advice....... I can see that I have one problem already for next years event and that is I have to find a different location. I can see that I have ran out of room at this location.....Again thanks for your help and advice." Garry Gilbert, Rock & Roll Car Show Host,

Mr. Palmieri has been a guest speaker at various car clubs. Take a look at one club newsletter at take a look at page 5.

"Tony, I think your books are a asset to the average car buff, and will help them down the road,its a tough market. The amount of shows starting the first week in April in the US, are approx. 30,000 events, from mom and pop too larger auto events, so the market is there."JimP (car judge), Bowdon, Georgia

"Hi, I found you searching on google, I searched for "how to organize a car show". My father wants to organize an antique tractor show, but I couldn't find information about that. Your book was quite helpful, since many of the steps are similar.Thanks Carol Raleigh, NC

I was looking for a manual or a "how-to" book like yours, to give me an idea about what I would need to do to put on a car show. I publish a weekly newspaper, that will be two years old next month, and I was looking to put on a big promotional-type event in honor of my newspaper's 2nd birthday. My son is a car enthusiast, and so we had considered putting on a car show as a promotional event to recognize our paper's birthday annually. Your book is just what I need., Roanoke, AL

"thanks, tony, i have attachment [the Ebook]. did not plan on anyone working today [Sunday] to answer my questions. Nice products and EXCELLENT SERVICE, will buy from you again and highly recommend you. i run daytona turkey run and spring show at speedway in fla. thanks, jim, Beverly Hills, FL

"Very helpful my volunteer fire dept is looking to put on a car show and are looking for tips in how to start thanks this was a big help" BillN

"It loaded perfect. Great idea for a publication! I've been looking for something like this for a few months now. Thanks for the email." Kevin, North Carolina

"Finally a guide that is really helpful. I used many of your ideas for our latest benefit show. So helpful.. .. thanks for the discount coupons you sent", ArchieK

One customer was so happy he even put us on his website to tell all of his buddies. CLICK HERE to read what he wrote


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