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founded Palmieri Concepts after
20 years of creating custom art work for his own pleasure
and enjoyment. This business grew out of a love for motor
vehicles and was started to share with others what started
out as a hobby. After taking how his own pride and joys (yes
this really started with family pictures and not cars) and
combining them with creativity, it became obvious that many
others would like to showcase their trophies as he has done.
He has also written numerous articles on automotive art and
collector car photography.

2005-2007 by Palmieri Concepts. All rights reserved. Protected
under both U.S. Federal copyright law and international treaties.
No part of this site, including text, images and computer code,
may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, electronic,
graphic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying or information
storage & retrieval systems, without the express prior written
permission of Palmieri Concepts. The only area that may be reproduced
are the publications that expressly state that they can be copied.
They must be used in their entirety without any changes, and
provide a reference to, and credit
the author.
Classic Car Pictures and Art by Palmieri Concepts -

By: Anthony
November 16,
Pet photography
has continued to grow faster and faster as the number of pet lovers
increases. Pet television ads have continued to expand knowing that
there is a huge market of pet lovers out there with plenty of disposable
income. Many of these pet owners have a special wall in their house
or office with pictures and posters of their pets and other loved
ones. Often these pictures were done in the traditional style of
"point-shoot-develop-print-frame". The custom graphics
companies that specialize in the photography industry have now taken
the "develop" stage to the next level with custom image
People find
many ways to express their personality, whether it is through sports,
music, art, or another outlet. In any case the creative nature that
we have comes to the surface once we have the tools and have developed
ability to accomplish this. With the evolution of low cost digital
camera and great graphics programs more and more pet lovers are
creating works of art from their pictures.
This guide
will give you some basic ideas that will help you take great photographs
and transform your pet pictures into something different, unique
and personal. For the professional photographer, some of this information
may be obvious to you, but there are some not so obvious tips that
could help you make your pictures stand out even more!
Be sure to
read the entire book located HERE
for additional information.
is ONLY a summary of the EBOOK
& Graphics Arts
-A guide
on pet photography and creating great artistic pictures -
1. Introduction:
If you have
just picked up a camera for the first time, or have been taking
pictures for years, the information contained in this guide will
ensure that you do not overlook anything as you frame and shoot
that picture. Taking your photographs to the next level, by using
a few computer tools, and free clip art, we will walk you through
the steps to create a picture like the one on the cover of this
book as easy as 1-2-3.
At pet shows,
and especially dog shows, enthusiasts like yourself pay close attention
to every detail down to making sure that every hair is in place,
the bows in the top knot are perfect, down to the shin on the glistening
coats. The end quality of your picture is dependent upon your attention
to details. Whenever we take a photograph for a client and create
their unique art we do exactly the same. Starting with the right
photograph is key and we will provide some often overlooked aspects
of pet photography. Remember that you must start with the right
photograph in order to obtain good and even great results.
2. Digital
Photography Basics For Pets
There are two
assumptions made here. The first is, that you are interested in
color photography and the second is that you have read your camera
owners manual and understand the features and capabilities at least
at a basic level. With that said the intent of this guide is to
help you get started with taking photographs and getting the best
possible results. Before we continue, there is one thing often overlooked
until it is too late that will ruin a great photograph. Shut off
the date and time stamp feature. You can be sure that it will always
take away from the picture or be in the wrong place where no amount
of editing can account for it.
2.1. Picture
The focus here
is to start with the best of everything possible and use your camera
to the fullest. This does not mean that you need to spend $2000
on a camera and special lenses, but it does mean taking advantage
of the best capabilities your camera provides. Even a $100 camera
can create good small prints. After you understand your cameras
feature menu and how to navigate it, go back and re-read the picture
quality section again. Once you understand that section set your
camera to the BEST modes possible.
Many cameras
have resolution settings similar to Normal, Better, Fine, and quality
settings of Good, Better, Best. Select the Fine and Best modes or
what ever your camera calls the highest quality and highest resolution
modes. You can always reduce the resolution and quality later if
needed, but you can never improve it. Starting off with the best
quality photograph gives you the best possible chance of having
a great photograph and piece of art. This becomes even more important
when making larger prints or even posters. As you increase picture
quality, your memory card will fill quicker and be able to store
fewer images. Be sure that you have a large enough memory card or
multiple cards. Remember, you do not want to run out of storage
when your pet is doing something that will look great on that next
Christmas card, so be sure to have that extra 512M or 1G card handy
2.4. Lens Filters
and Shades
If you must
take photographs in bright sun, such as at an outside farm and pet
show, use a lens shade and force flash to overcome the harsh sun.
One alternative to use especially if your flash is not powerful
enough, is a polarizing filter instead of the flash. The polarizing
filter is one of the most useful filters for outdoor photography
and is a requirement for any serious photographer, especially for
those that use a digital camera. A polarizing filter will reduce
the glare and make colors stand out more in harsh sun conditions.
These filters can significantly reduce white-outs or wash-outs (surfaces
with the primary color all washed out) due to bright reflections.
An example of this would be your golden lab having a whitish back,
and dark murky looking legs lacking in detail. Some photograph flaws
can be edited out and touched up, however, these flaws are nearly
impossible to eliminate after the fact and make the editing look
A second important
tool to have in your camera bag is a lens shade. A lens shade is
inexpensive and is attached on the end of your lens to keep excess
light from directly entering the lens. It basically provides a tunnel
that shields the optics (lens), and due to its black color absorbs
any bouncing light. This helps the camera to better detect the light
levels of the subject.
3. Express
your Pets Personality Through Creative Art
People find
many ways to express their personality, whether it is through sports,
music, art, or another outlet. In any case, the creative nature
that we have comes to the surface once we have the tools and have
developed ability to accomplish this. One area that has continued
to grow as a result of technological advancement is with computer
enhanced graphics. Faster home computers coupled with programs such
as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator have taken the high end graphics
work once limited to corporations to smaller businesses. The most
basic photo manipulation is to correct flaws in the picture, which
can be expanded to the more advanced creation of fantasy scenes,
such as overlaying multiple images and the addition of special effects.
4. The Photo Shoot - The Tricks of Understanding Your Pet
Now that you
have a general understanding of how to use your camera, lets focus
on where, when, and how to get the optimum environment. There are
some things in our control, and others that are not, and at any
one time they can change. It is important that we discuss each element
so you can decide what to do given your situation. These elements
are lighting, the location, and the position of the pet. If you
are restricted to a specific time of day outside, then you many
not have any control over the lighting, or do you? If you are photographing
the pet at a show such as walking around the judging stage, you
are probably limited to the camera position and location. Ideally
you want the best lighting, optimum flexibility with positioning
the camera. Lastly if you are going to remove the background from
the final print, the cleanest background for editing is desirable.
This section will help you take advantage of any flexibility and
optimize your shoot given the environment
4.1. Pick The Right Lighting
Given that
we are focusing on color photography, proper lighting is essential.
In fact proper lighting actually means LOTS OF LIGHT, and the correct
type of light. Without proper lighting it is nearly impossible to
have an award-winning photograph, even one that has been touched
up with the best photo editing tools. When it comes to lighting
you want to have an even distribution of light over the entire surface
of the pet, including the underside areas. This light illuminates
all areas, is not harsh or glaring and does not cause shadowing.
Light that is at a low-angle such as parallel to 30 degrees above
the ground, or when outside, sun rise or sun set is often the best.
This low-angle light covers the side surfaces of the pets' body
with light. Light that is high in the air, such as overhead lights,
or when outside sun light that is high in the sky such as that mid-day
harsh sun should be avoided. This harsh light results in the top
surfaces being washed out, and the lower areas being dark with excessive
shadowing. The ultimate goal is low angle, soft, evenly distributed
light that illuminates the entire pet. Also remember when to keep
the light source or the sun behind you and watch out for your own
4.2. Picking The Location
You need to
determine if the photo session will be indoors or outdoors, and
once that is decided you need to optimize the environment as much
as possible to make the pet at ease. Before the pet is there, take
a good look all around and make sure that the area is clean, organized,
and there are minimal distractions. Distractions can be toys, a
left over newspaper lying around, and even a tree branch. You will
be in competition with all of these distractions for the pets' attention.
Unless you have a sleeping dog you are photographing, you will always
be in competition with the environment. Now the dog may be well
trained and stay where you put them, but their attention may still
be elsewhere. You also want to remove any items that could complicate
the photo editing later on.
The intent
for many of the photographs used in fantasy scenes is to remove
the background and have the pet stand alone. It is important that
nothing sticks up in front of any part of the pet that can cause
an obstruction. Unless your final print will be of your pet in a
grassy field, do not take your pictures of your dog laying on a
lawn or grassy field. The blades of grass will hide the bottom of
the paws or any part of the dog that is in close to the round
4.3. What Photographs
Should You Take - Getting inside your pets head
It is recommended
to initially start by letting your pet act naturally in the environment
and study how it acts and responds to whatever stimulus is there.
This will allow you the opportunity to get inside of your pets head
and over time possibly predict how they will act. Remember that
many pets will see the camera equipment around and sense the extra
attention making them want to get even more attention. Over time
they will forget that you are there and start to focus on the elements
in the environment, including even laying down on that special pillow.
The idea is to have your pet at ease and capture that natural moment.
This will require you to be patient and continue to snap the shutter
hoping to capture that special moment. Even in as little as 10 minutes
you will understand the pets' personality and be able to now stage
that specific photo.
5. Basic Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Introduction
For most photography
work and picture manipulation you will be using Adobe Photoshop
or other similar photo editing tool. If you will be creating large
prints greater than 11x17 with text, you should use an illustration
tool that provides good text and layout capabilities such as Adobe
Illustrator. With these two types of tools you can create fantastic
and artistic pictures, and then include them in professional looking
layouts. The intent of this section is to provide some starting
guidelines to create some of the basic pictures that are displayed
on Keep in mind that the guidelines and
steps provided here have been generalized, however, they will point
you in the right direction to create a great picture. The references
in this section are referring to Photoshop, so if you are using
a different photo editing tool, you will need to find the equivalent
Note that to
better demonstrate the techniques, the photographs used are not
the best and did not follow all of the rules in the previous sections.
For example, there are poor lighting and lack of detail to emphasize
the use of the tools and techniques.
So to get started,
take what you have learned here, get out that camera and have fun.
For additional
information on how to take great pictures and turn them into great
art, take a look at the additional sections and the entire E-Book
at Palmieri Concepts at There are many
examples in this Ebook and it is full of pictures to walk you through
every step.
The selections
of text are excerpts from the Ebook titled Pet Photography and Graphic
Arts by Anthony Palmieri
For additional
information on how to take outstanding pictures and have them stand
out even more, take a look at the additional sections and the entire
E-BOOK located